CBD is much more available now than it was 10 years ago. Many web sites and shops have been launched which now allow you to conveniently buy CBD. Whether in the form of e-liquid or oil, CBD products are valued for their effects on the body. What are the key benefits of CBD consumption?

Cannabidiol may also help people fall asleep, research suggests that high doses of CBD improve a person’s sleep time.
What’s more, those who take it recall less of their dreams. It gives relief to night terrors sufferers.
Additionally, CBD helps people control other sleep disorders. By activating neurons in the hypothalamus the drug will modulate waking.

This can also help people deal with severe daytime sleep disturbances and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep behavior.
Another area of concern for athletes, CBD helps to control sleep. We do know, however, that sleeping well is important for the production and recovery of muscles. But also to reduce the stress from pre-workout. Thus, individuals who take CBD for its sedative and calming effects experience less insomnia, and benefit from improved physical and mental recovery.

Weight loss:
Fat browning is when white fat cells, or medically called adipose tissue, are converted to brown fat from within the body. When the body detects brown fat, it starts consuming the fat for energy, rather than keeping it like it does with white fat. The white fat, which is beige in colour, is more glucose tolerant, causing the person to be more resistant to medical conditions such as diabetes. Research shows that CBD can help in this process.

A test-tube study showed that CBD caused white fat cells to “brown” and increased the expression of different genes and proteins that promote brown fat. To confirm those results, however, human research is required.

One of the most exciting ways in which CBD can help someone who wants to minimize their excess body fat is their ability to cause a mechanism called “browning” fat (Cannabidiol encourages browning in adipocytes 3T3-L1, 2016). It is when brown fat, instead of “white” fat, is contained in fat tissues. Adults with high muscle content usually have higher brown fat amounts, which is a leaner, less dense (and less dangerous) fat type.

It also appears that CBD can help fat and other lipid breakdowns, as well as trigger a process called thermogenesis. That is because food metabolizes more rapidly due to a increase in body temperature. Not to mention that the capacity of the body to use fat as fuel can be hindered by both stress and lack of sleep. CBD has proven effective in reducing anxiety-related symptoms and in helping with insomnia. Also, helping athletes with recovery days in between gym or workout sessions has been very successful. This is because of its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving effects.

Anxiety and Depression

Taking CBD activates the receptors for CB1 and CB2 and increases the level of serotonin, the happy hormone, which induces a sense of well-being which helps to reduce anxiety. Thanks to its appetite-regulating properties, CBD may also have an effect on eating disorders, inducing a sense of hunger in the case of anorexia or satiety in the case of bulimia.

Cannabidiol could be used as an anxiolytic, it could treat anxiety and many of its manifestations, according to studies published by:
– Neuropsychopharmacology, in May 2011
– Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, in June 2012.
– CNS & Neurological Disorders, in August 2014.
– Neuropharmacology, in October 2015.
– Journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, in September 2015.
– Current Neuropharmacology, in May 2016.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “depression is the leading cause of disability in the world, while anxiety disorders rank sixth.”

Typically, prescription drugs are used to combat anxiety and depression. That choice is not condemnable, but it comes with the lot of side effects of these drugs: drowsiness, anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction and headaches. And that’s not it! Tablets such as benzodiazepines also plunge patients into withdrawal and withdrawal to psychoactive drugs. Faced with this troubling health issue, the use of CBD is more promising to treat subjects with depression and anxiety.

CBD and Pain Management
CBD is also used as a food supplement for patients with certain pathologies, especially chronical inflammatory disorders, via an action on CB1 and CB2 receptors which contribute to the perception of pain. Adenosine receptor also balances the pain-saving function of CBD with an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps alleviate conditions associated with chronic pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis or fibermyalgia, from inflammatory conditions. CBD is widely used to relieve muscle pain or neuropathic pain as a preventive therapy.
CBD’s soothing and pain relieve effects can, including the discomfort and nausea associated with chemotherapy, also help to combat the adverse effects of other medical care.
